


We help organizations reach their vision by co-crafting their strategies, designing and executing business driven world class HR initiatives,

and leading the HR transformation and cultural change programs.



Bold strategic decisions and flawless execution matter now more than ever before in today’s global economy and ever-changing environment.
Skope supports organizations, with focused HR initiatives, in exploiting new opportunities and drive profitable growth, while delivering value to company members, customers, stakeholders, and community.

Vision, Mission,
and Shared Values

Skope helps organizations shape or review their vision and mission, communicate them internally and externally, and align their strategies and plans to deliver the business vision.
We also help organizations create and cascade common values that guide the people’s behaviors and actions. Read more

Deployment of Common Goals,
Objectives & Strategies

Organizations gain people’s commitment when they know exactly how their work impacts the realization of the business vision.
Skope helps creating, communicating, and deploying company strategies and goals across all levels of the organization, as well as setting the right dashboards to measure progress. Read more

HR Strategic Plans

More than ever, organizations need an HR partner to interpret the business context and customers’ expectations, and co-craft the business strategy.
At Skope, we believe that HR is an integral part of any business; we work with business and HR leaders to highlight how the structure, culture, human capital, and HR processes as well as HR initiatives impact companies’ performance. We support clients in developing and implementing HR plans to support the business strategy. Read more



Today’s business challenges require a new role for Human Resources, be it in the ability to translate external business trends to internal organization’s actions, understanding the economy/market, and their impact on the industry, integrating innovative HR practices into unified solution for the business, leading change, or building capability at all levels and create company culture…

Skope leverages experienced consultants to help design and execute critical business driven world class HR initiatives and change programs that impact the business.

Organizational Design

Organizations need to ensure that their structure, processes, and culture match the company purpose/ strategy and meet the challenges posed by business realities. We support organizations by bringing practical solutions to complex business and people challenges, by offering a methodology which identifies and realigns the dysfunctional work processes, structures, and systems, to fit the current business realities/goals.

Total Reward Systems

Attracting, retaining, and engaging talent are among the biggest challenges for organizations in today’s business environment.
Skope helps clients offer internal equity and external competitiveness by developing reward strategies and compensation plans, which contribute to the organization’s success. We help organizations- whether well established corporations or fast-growing start-ups, through job evaluation, to know how each job contributes to the achievement of strategic goals and to create and maintain the right reward structure for the business.
Skope helps organizations develop pay scales and benefits plans, as well as communicate to employees, through Total Reward Statements, the full value of their pay and benefits package, which boosts engagement, job satisfaction, and ultimately business results.
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Talent Management

As the global work environment continues to change, so do employees’ needs and skills. Now is the time to get ahead of potential talent gaps and evaluate where the business is expected to grow or shrink over the next three to five years, how the composition of the workforce may change and what the implications are for sourcing new talent needs. We work with our clients on competency model architecture (unique leadership/behavioral and technical), assessment of people’s competencies required for their current/future role, and personal development plans setting.
Skope helps companies identify talent and plan for succession and career management. We do that through the use of objective assessment tools as part of a holistic approach to talent assessment. Competency gaps and critical development needs will be identified and developed, through personal development plans, in total alignment with growth strategies and future needs.
In any kind of business, the entire team needs to have clarity on the big picture, as well as daily, weekly, and monthly objectives to make that vision a reality. We partner up with organizations to develop and cascade an effective Performance Management System that ensures total alignment to overall strategies, goals, and objectives.

Culture & Change Management

Great organizations depend on world-class, capable, diverse, engaged people and teams operating in a winning culture supported by efficient systems and agile structures fully aligned to achieve the business vision. Skope helps clients define and communicate the elements of a high performance culture, assess the current culture, and set action plans to close the gap and unleash superior performance that results from an engaged and motivated workforce.

Talent Acquisition

Getting the right people on the bus… and the right people in the right seats” is what our clients aim for.
This requires a deep understanding of the company culture, leadership, and required profiles on one hand, and an accurate assessment for candidates’ capabilities through both behavioral interviews and the use of objective assessment tools.
Through our assessment services and tools, clients can take the guesswork out of hiring and make more informed and confident decisions about candidates.
Skope uses adaptive ability tests to measure a person’s verbal, numerical and logical reasoning skills, so clients can filter out unsuitable candidates early on in a recruitment campaign, and identify high potential ones.
We offer Personality Questionnaires allowing clients to assess a person’s key behaviors at work, and check their fit for the job and organization.
We also support our clients in the development of Talent Acquisition processes and systems to ensure effective employer branding activities, sourcing and contracting, screening and interviewing, selection and induction.

Employees’ Engagement

High employee engagement is a primary difference between companies with good results and true market leaders.
Skope works with organizations to develop and launch employee engagement surveys that address their unique needs, to provide the right insights by translating direct input from their people.  A survey is valuable only if it leads to changes in organizational culture and improved business performance. We partner with our clients, through focus groups, to construct a roadmap for change by considering the implications on the business and people.
SKOPE works closely with clients to get a deep understanding of their employees and their evolving needs, and to create meaningful employee value propositions that align with talent management strategy and with broader business goals and realities.
We provide the guidance, tools, and capabilities to help organizations shape the culture and create programs that will best engage and motivate talent in the organization.

Learning & Development

As markets are becoming more and more competitive, organizations need constant capability development at all levels, as well as keeping abreast with the new trends in related fields.
Skope helps organizations evaluate competency gaps and identify learning requirements. We also help clients to put in place an effective and efficient Learning & Development system to ensure accurate assessment of development and learning needs, development of training calendars and budgets, pinpointing the appropriate development methods, and identification of matching programs. Skope offers Learning & Development solutions focused on Personal Development, Building Effective Teams, Behavioral/Leadership Competencies, and Building Sales Capability. We go beyond the tailor made learning experience, to follow through and measure the impact of development solutions on business results’ attainment or the desirable behavioral change.

HR Systems & Policies

To guarantee organizations’ sustainability, it is not enough to have the right capabilities and culture; clients need to have the right systems and policies in place.
Skope develops and documents the right HR systems and policies, communicate them to ensure full alignment, and coach people on proper implementation. We also help clients to put in place the right HR software to streamline the set initiatives. Read more

HR Management

HR faces extraordinary demands to be effective, efficient and sufficiently agile to address today’s changing organizational and business realities.
Skope understands these demands and helps organizations meet them by offering a day to day management of the HR function. We render a well-managed HR function that ensures full alignment of organization’s HR plans, structure, processes, and culture with the business strategy.
Skope service goes beyond developing HR strategy, suggesting the right structures, putting in place a winning culture, and setting/applying world-class HR initiatives, to develop the clients’ HR teams and leaders to be able to carry out the full HR responsibility in their organization.
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At Skope we can Diagnose your situation, help you reach your vision by co-crafting strategies, designing and executing business
driven world class HR initiatives, and leading the HR transformation and cultural change programs.

Send us an email or give us a call to know more about our services